Saturday, November 12, 2016



There are two food banks that distribute food to hundreds of pantries, kitchens and shelters throughout Orange County.
Second Harvest Food Bank of Orange County
8014 Marine Way
Irvine, CA 92618
Orange County Food Bank
12640 Knott St.
Garden Grove, CA 92841
PANTRIES – available to needy/low income families who live in the immediate area.  Registration required – contact pantry nearest you.
Abrazar, Inc.
7101 Wyoming St.
Westminster, CA 92683
Food Distribution: Friday 9:00am-12:00 pm
Anaheim Downtown Community Center
250 E. Center St.
Anaheim, CA 92805
Food Distribution: Call Monday-Friday 8:00 am – 5:00pm
EV Free Fullerton (Good Samaritan Center)
2801 Brea Blvd.
Fullerton, CA 92835
Food Distribution: Monday-Friday 4:15 pm-5:15 pm
Community referral available on Thursdays
Family Assistance Ministries
929 Calle Negocio, Ste. G
San Clemente, CA 92673
Food Distribution: Mondays 9:00am-6:00pm; Tuesday-Thursday, 9:00am-3:00pm; Friday 9:00am-12:00pm
Families Forward
9221 Irvine Blvd.
Irvine, CA 92618
Families Forward provides bags of food, school supplies, career counseling. Call for information and food distribution dates.
Friendly Center
147 W. Rose Ave.
Orange, CA 92867
Friendly Center provides food box, tutoring for youth, senior services, family counseling, housing.
Call for more information and food distribution dates.
Fullerton Interfaith Emergency
611 S. Ford Ave.
Fullerton, CA 92832
Food Distribution: Monday-Friday, 1:00 pm to 4:00 pm
Knott Avenue Church
315 S. Knott Ave.
Anaheim, CA 92804
Distribution: Monday and Thursday 1:30pm to 3:30 pm
Community referrals available on Thursdays during the food distribution.
Main Place Christian Fellowship
1631 El Camino Real, Apt. 1
Tustin, CA 92780
1190 N. Tustin St.
Orange, CA
Both sites: Call for food distribution dates and time
The Gary Center
341 S. Hillcrest St.
La Habra, CA 90631
Food Distribution: Friday, 9:00am to 11:00am.Call for information to qualify for.
The Neighborhood Church
2147 Oak Street
Santa Ana, CA 92705
Monday and Thursday, 1:30pm to 3:30pm
Community referrals available on Thursdays during the food distribution.
Share Our Selves (SOS)
1550 Superior Ave.
Costa Mesa, CA 92627
SOS provides food box, emergency funds, clothing and counseling. Call for more information and food distribution dates.
Southwest Community Center (SMEDA)
1601 W. 2nd Street
Santa Ana, CA 92703
Food Bag Distribution: Monday & Wednesday 10:00 am – 12:00pm; Saturday: 10:00 am-11:00 am
Food Bags (Every 2 Months)
Senior Citizens “Brown Bags” (Every Month)
Homeless Food Bags (Every 2 Weeks)
Saturday Fruit/Vegetables Bags (Every 2 Weeks)
Tustin Family Youth Center
14722 Newport Ave.
Tustin, CA 92780
Tustin Family Senior Center
200 S. C Street
Tustin, CA 92780
Both sites: Food Distribution third Tuesday of every month 1:00-2:00 pm
Community referrals available during distribution
Yorba Linda Friends Church
5211 Lakeview Ave.
Yorba Linda, CA 92886
Available for walk-ups Mondays night, 7:00pm-8:45pm,
Tuesday and Thursday 1:00pm-3:00pm,
and the 1st and 3rd Wednesday 7:30pm-8:30pm for families in crisis.
Someone Cares
720 W. 19th Street
Costa Mesa, CA 92627
Hot meal served everyday, no eligibility requirement. Opens at 12:30, lunch served from 1-4pm daily.
Southwest Community Center (SMEDA)
1601 W. 2nd Street
Santa Ana, CA 92703
Hot meals: Breakfast Monday-Sunday: 8:00 a.m.
Lunch: Monday-Saturday 12: noon; Sunday: 1:00pm
Dinner: Saturday: 4:00 pm.

Friday, September 16, 2016

Robert Morin Gift to the University of New Hampshire After Death

University to buy $1-million football scoreboard with thrifty librarian’s money, outraging critics 

Robert Morin© Courtesy of the University of New Hampshire Robert Morin
Robert Morin had his quirks: a regular breakfast of Fritos and a Coke; a refusal to give up on the 1992 Plymouth that he drove to his job as a library cataloger; the 18-year span, from 1979 to 1997, during which he watched more than 22,000 movies — an average of about three a day. Morin read in chronological order every book published in the United States between 1930 and 1938, excepting only textbooks, children’s books and cookbooks.
Such habits allowed the librarian to live thriftily. He spent little on food or clothes. When he passed, at age 77 in March 2015, it was revealed he had accumulated an unusually impressive sum: $4 million in savings, as The Washington Post reported. He bequeathed it all to his employer and alma mater, the University of New Hampshire. The university announced the donation at the end of August, once it was approved by probate court.
But in the weeks since this cockle-warming tale of philanthropy surfaced, other University of New Hampshire graduates cooled on the donation. The way the university will spend its new cash, these critics feel, is not in keeping with Morin’s lifelong love for books.
Morin was committed to the library and to the school, which he graduated from in 1963. He worked as a cataloger in the university’s Dimond Library for almost 50 years, and was a common presence on campus.
The area near the library, in particular, was his preferred habitat. “He smoked a pipe, and he was outside a lot in the courtyard in the front of the library, and he loved to talk to students,” Erika Mantz, a representative for the University of New Hampshire, told The Post’s Sarah Larimer. “And he was very committed to the student workers who worked in our main library.”
As Mantz wrote to the Huffington Post in an email, “His whole life was the library.”
It was natural, then, that he would specify a gift to the building where he spent so many years writing DVD descriptions and cataloging sheet music. Of the $4 million, $100,000 was earmarked for the Dimond Library. Outside, a bench now bears a plaque with his name.
The vast majority of the donation will be spent elsewhere at the university: $2.5 million to expand the school’s student career center. And $1 million, a quarter of the bequeathed money, on a video scoreboard at the school’s Wildcat Stadium.
To the university, that construction honors an interest Morin found late in life. “In the last 15 months of his life, Morin lived in an assisted living center where he started watching football games on television, mastering the rules and names of the players and teams,” the school wrote in a news release announcing the donation.
To others, an expensive stadium scoreboard is at odds with a frugal man who frequently microwaved his dinners. A scathing response, penned by UNH graduate Claire Cortese and cited by Inside Higher Ed, tore into the administration’s decision:
“The university clearly seems to think that it makes sense for the sports department to receive ten times the amount that Morin’s own department is receiving, even after spending $25 million on a stadium renovation,” Cortese wrote. Cortese lamented the funds directed toward the stadium during a time when, she said, the school lacked sufficient parking and its photography darkroom lacked sufficient water.
More critics took to the university’s Facebook to express their discontent. Prioritizing a stadium over a library at the school, as commenter put it, is like “Dante’s Ninth Level of hell in case you’ve forgotten — or more likely never knew to begin with.”
In her Title IX Blog, Kristine Newhall wrote, “as an alumna of the University of New Hampshire, as a scholar of sports, as an educator and advocate for education, I am disappointed in the university’s choice to spend $1 million of a $4 million donation to a scoreboard for the new football stadium.”
Campus athletics have become a point of contention as college tuition continues to rise faster than inflation. Several universities around the country now charge mandatory fees to support athletic departments,  The Post reported in November 2015. The biggest university athletics programs can generate huge revenue, but also spend large sums on expanding facilities, coaches, staff and other expenses.
“Another million lost in the football arms race,” Newhall wrote. “Wasted by an institution trying to be something it is not—a big-time football school.”

Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Arabic Turkish Words

المعنىالنص الاصلى
عامةإِسْتَعْرَضَا العَلاَقَات الثُّنَائِيَّةَ بَيْنَ البَلَدَيْنِiki ülke arasındaki ikili ilişkileri görütüler

كلمات قريبة

مصطلحاتالمعنىالنص الاصلى
عامةلحمgoşt ( kür )
عامةما رأيكمgörüşünüz nedir
عامةبِلاَ رَوِيّةٍdüşüncesiz , basiretsiz , ön görüsüz
عامةوَمَأ إِلَيْهِ : أَشَارَona işaret etti , ima etti , göserdi
عامةيدرس المسؤولون مطالب قراصنة الجو الذين خطفوا الطائرةyetkililer uçağı kaçıran korsanların isteklerini görüşüyorlar
عامةنعم اشاهدهاevet onları görüyorum
عامةنعم اُشاهدهevet onu görüyorum
عامةإني أراه في محلات عديدة او مختلفةonu ötede beride görüyorum
عامةآلِفٌ (ج) أُلاَّفٌ (م) آلِفَةٌ (ج) آلِفاتٌ و أَوَالِفُ :herkesle görüşüp ülfet eden , girgin
عامةأَلُوفٌ (ج) أُلُفٌherkesle tarafsızca görüşüp ülfet ve ünsiyet eden adam , ülfet ve ünsiyete ziyade meyyal ve alışık olan
عامةإِسْتَبَدَّ : إِسْتِبْدَاداً من إِستَبَدَّ بِرَأْيه فقد هَلَكَbağımsız ve başlı başına olmak , yalınız başına olmak , yalınız başına hüküm etmek , despotluk etmek , diktatörlük etmek , kimseye tanışmaksızın kendi görüşüylehareket etmek , kendi bildiğine gitmek , bildiğinden şaşmamak , kimsenin sözüne kulak vermemek
عامةلِيُعْلِنْ كُلٌّ مِنْكُمْ رَأْيَهُherkes görüşünü bildirsin
عامةأَبْدَتْ المَحْكَمَةُ رَأْيَهَاmahkeme görüşünü belirtti
عامةفَرَضَ رَأْيَهُ عَلَيْهِمْonlara görüşünü dayattı
عامةفَرَضَ رَأْيَهُ بالقُوَّةِgörüşünü zorla dayattı
عامةآنَسَ : مُؤَانَسَةًbiriyle görüşüp ülfet ve ünsiyet etmek , birine yumuşak ve nazikane muamele etmek , okşamak , teselli etmek , uysal kılmak , uysallaştırmak
عامةفَرَضَ رَاَيْهُ عَلَي الآخَرِ بِالقُوَّةِgörüşünü başkasına zorla dayattı
عامةفَرَضَ عَلَيْهِ رَأْيَهُ بِالقُوَّةِona görüşünü zorla dayattı
عامةمرئي نظارة الشيئbir kimsenin görüşünü gösteren
عامةفَرَضَ عَلَيْهِ رَأْيَهُ بِالقُوَّةِona zorla görüşünü dayattı
عامةبَرْزَةٌgüzellikleri zahir kadın , isabet - i rey ve akıl ve tedbir ve ifletle mütearife olup kavmin umur ve çıkarları zımından erkeklerle görüşür ve erkekler kendisine müracaat eder olan yaşlı kadın , dağ geçidi , boğaz
عامةوَاضَعَ فُلاَناً الرّأْيَfilana görüşünü beyan etti , açıkladı
عامةأَخَذَ بِ ..görüşünü benisedi , kabul etti , ile başladı
عامةأَبْدَي رَأْيَهُ فِي هَذِهِ المَسْأَلَةِ اي عبّر عنهاbu meselede görüşünü belirtti , dile getirdi
عامةبَلْطَجَةٌkendi fikrini ve görüşünü zor kullanarak başkasına kabul ettirmek , kabadayılık , zorbalık

Annual Bodypainting Day 2015, New York

Sunday, September 4, 2016

Friday, August 26, 2016

Most Popular Baby Names California 2015

Popular Names by State

August 26, 2016
Background information
Number of U. S. births based on Social Security card applications
Make another selection?

The following table shows the 100 most frequent given names for male and female births in 2015 in California. The number to the right of each name is the number of occurrences in the data. The source is a 100% sample based on Social Security card application data. See the limitations of this data source.
Popularity for top 100 names in California for births in 2015
RankMale nameNumber of
Female nameNumber of
101  Vivian398

Thursday, August 25, 2016

Monetize Your Web Site

There are several advertising and monetization options, and your website niche, target audience, traffic volume, and visitor behavior will determine which options are the most reasonable for your particular website.
We are going to show you 10 monetization options that have broad applications, allowing you to start generating revenue, whether you are trying to turn your website into a profitable business or just cover some of your operating expenses. Don’t try and do all of these at once and make sure you give it some time to see results. No one is an overnight success and you need to see what will work for you and your audience.

1. Google AdSense

Google’s advertising platform for publishers, AdSense, shows ads that are highly relevant to your website content and pays you a percentage of the revenue each time they are clicked on. If you had a website about travel, it might display ads from an airline or travel agent. The process couldn’t be any easier:
  1. You place HTML code on your website where you want the advertisements to display. Note: AdSense policy allows up to 3 ad blocks on each page of your website.
  2. Advertisements that are related to the content are displayed, and Google uses a real-time to ensure that the highest paying ads are shown.
  3. Google bills the advertisers and networks for the advertisements that appeared on your website and pays you directly.
This program is among the most popular monetization methods because of its simplicity. There is no dealing with advertisers directly or chasing down invoices for payment. Google handles everything and you receive a check or direct deposit every month for the revenue that your website generated.
Anyone with a website can take advantage of this program and getting started takes just minutes, provided that you have a Google account. You can read more about Google’s AdSense program by reading our Google AdSense Review.

2. Infolinks

Infolinks is an advertising platform that places in-text ads within your website content and pays you each time that they are clicked. Their software identifies your most valuable keywords within your website content and double-underlines theses keywords, and when your visitor hovers his or her mouse over them an advertisement related to the keyword is displayed. If they decide to click on the “learn more” you are compensated.
Infolinks allows you to customize the look and frequency of the text ads. Making them the same color as your website theme makes them appear to be part of your content, and this will increase your click through rate significantly. Also, they allow you to determine how often they appear. The last thing you want is a page full of clickable ads. One or two per piece of content is enough to attract interest without pushing away visitors.
This is a great platform to sign up for when you are just getting started because every little bit of extra revenue can help you cover basic website expenses like web hosting and domain registration. The payouts per click are fairly low though, so once you build up your traffic and your site becomes more popular there are other monetization methods that will provide you with a bigger and more attractive return.
You can get more information on the infolinks program by clicking here.

3. Affiliate Offers

Affiliate marketing is a very effective way to monetize your website traffic because it allows you to present your visitors with offers that they are likely to be interested in. For instance, if you had a blog about personal finance you would want to find an affiliate offer that would be of interest to your visitors, such as a credit card offer. You would place a banner or text link on your website that contained your affiliate link and directed the visitor to the offer. Now, if they signed up for the particular offer, which in this case is a credit card, you would be compensated with an affiliate referral payment. Some credit card offers pay out $50 – $100 for every referral an affiliate sends.
There are two different types of offers: Cost Per Action (CPA) and Cost Per Sale (CPS). An example of a CPA offer could be an insurance quote request where the user submits his or her name and contact information to receive additional information. Most CPA offers are lead generation offers. Now, a CPS will generally require a purchase be made and a credit card pixel to be fired in order for an affiliate payment to be issued. An example of a CPS offer would be a diet pill offer, where the consumer actually purchases the product. Generally CPS offers will pay out more than CPA offers.
It is important that you match relevant offers with the content and theme of your website. You wouldn’t place a credit card offer on your blog about diet tips and weight loss. You would want to find a health and fitness offer that you believe your website audience would be interested in. One of the best resources for looking for available affiliate offers is Offer Vault.
You can enter in any search term related to your website content and instantly review the available offers. It also tells you what affiliate networks manages each offer. Once you identify the offers that you want to promote on your website you will want to sign up with the affiliate networks that manage them. You can search Offer Vault by clicking here.

4. Create & Sell Your Own Digital Product

This is a monetization strategy that is great for those who have a very niche specific website combined with a large volume of website traffic. Creating your own product allows you to provide something very specific for your visitors and retain 100% of the revenue. Affiliate offers pay you a commission per action, but you don’t have to worry about customer service, refunds, or any issues that might arise. When you sell your own product you have to handle the customer service as well as any problems that pop up.
Don’t worry about stocking inventory and the costs associated with developing a product – go digital! The beauty about creating a digital product such as an eBook is that there are no production and inventory costs after you create it the first time. You can handle the complete creation or you can outsource the work.
There are several WordPress plugins that help you manage your digital downloads and integrate with your payment processor, only allowing your purchaser to download it once their payment is processed. Once you develop the product it is a relatively hands free process.

5. Direct Ad Space

Once your website has a significant amount of traffic and you have built up a following it gives you the ability to sell direct advertising space on your website. Don’t expect these offers to roll in on Day 1. It might take a couple of months but be sure to include details of how you should be contacted by a potential advertiser. Now, Google AdSense doesn’t have any traffic volume requirements, so you can implement that onto a brand new website and your revenue will grow as your blog grows. No advertiser will want to directly purchase exclusive space on a brand new website, but once the traffic numbers increase it becomes more attractive to an advertiser to purchase direct space for a flat monthly fee.
Advertisers that use Google’s platform are charged per click. This can become very expensive for the advertiser so they often look for opportunities to buy ad space for a flat fee. So, imagine that you had a blog about parenting and a retailer of children’s clothes was paying $5 per click on Google’s advertising network. If you charged $500 a month for a banner ad and your blog was receiving 30,000 visitors a month and generating 100,000 page views then it would be a great deal for the advertiser. Their ad would be seen 100,000 times for the same amount of money that they were paying for just 100 clicks using a pay per click model.
You can also combine Google AdSense with your own direct advertising to really generate some serious income from your website.
Check out our full Ad Network Reviews.

6. Sponsored Posts & Reviews

Publishing sponsored posts is another great way to generate income by leveraging the success and popularity of your website. Advertisers pay large sums of money for bloggers to write reviews about their products and services and post them for their audience to read. It is a popular form of advertising because visitors see it as more of a review than a direct advertisement. This type of non-intrusive advertising is very effective. The amount you can get for a sponsored post varies greatly based on the size of your niche, the niche itself, the popularity of your site and your social media following.
The advertiser will also generally provide the website owner with the product or service to review for free, so in addition to generating revenue you can also collect some nice products and services along the way. is a service that connects advertisers and websites and it is free to set up an account.

7. Gate Premium Content

If you develop a large loyal following you can start to gate premium content, which means that readers will have to pay to access it. Many websites that successfully gate content will offer the first couple of paragraphs for free in order to grab the interest of the reader. They will naturally want to continue reading so they will be more willing to complete an offer in order to access the rest of the content.
Now, it is important that you discuss this with the account manager of any affiliate offer you plan to require your visitors to complete in order to access your content. Some offers don’t allow incentive traffic while some do. Make sure that you only use offers that allow this type of traffic because the last thing you want to do is forfeit your earnings because you did not follow the guidelines. Just have open communication with your affiliate network and you will be fine.
You can also go straight to your affiliate network and let them know what you plan on doing and they can often suggest an offer that they feel will perform well for you while also remaining within the advertisers guidelines. Remember, they want you to be successful just as much as you do. Since they work with thousands of publishers they will typically have very good suggestions for you.
The key here is to create very high quality content that your readers are going to want to access so bad that they don’t mind filling out a quick survey or filling out a form in order to read it. Don’t gate all of your content though, as this will push away a large percentage of your traffic that isn’t interested in completing an offer.

8. Generate & Sell Leads

Once you build a strong following and your traffic numbers are constantly increasing you have the ability to generate your own in-house leads that you can then sell directly to an end buyer. This requires a little more work on your end, but the payout per lead generated can be significantly higher than what you would be paid by an affiliate offer.
Not every website is going to have a niche that has a direct demand for leads. Examples of niches that have this demand are finance, retirement and employment. If this isn’t for you then there are ways to come up with very targeted offers that you could create. For example, if you had a website about cars that discussed reviews of new models it would be hard to create an offer around those that wanted to purchase a car, because your visitors would be from all over and you would need to create relationships with nearly every dealership to make that work. It just wouldn’t make financial sense. So, you would think of something complimentary to the new car shopping experience, such as financing the purchase.
You could create an opt-in lead form to generate car-financing leads and then sell them to one of the largest auto financing companies. They wouldn’t have geographical restrictions, so it would allow you to sell all of the leads to one source. This would make it extremely manageable for you as you would just have one purchaser to deal with. If you decide to generate your own leads just make sure it is something general enough that it will interest a large percentage of your visitors and try to sell them all to one buyer.

9. Related Posts

Outbrain is a great way to help monetize your blog, as it only includes adding a snippet of code to your website and they tend to have high click through rates. At the end of each blog post you publish the Outbrain widget is displayed and it suggests additional posts that their algorithm feels that your reader would also be interested, as they relate to the content they just finished reading. Each time they click through to one of their recommended articles you are compensated.
You don’t have to worry about the quality of the content being displayed on your website visitors, as Outbrain has a very strict policy and only syndicates content from high quality websites. Your visitors just see the post title and an image, so it really doesn’t distract them from your website. It is a great way to earn additional revenue, especially if the user was going to just leave your website after reading the content of the page they were viewing. You might as well maximize the revenue for every single visitor, and Outbrain is a great way to further monetize your website.
You can get more information about Outbrain by reading our Outbrain Review.

10. Paid Private Forum

Creating a private paid forum on your website is another great way to generate extra revenue. This is a strategy that can take a lot of time and should be attempted when you have more of a following and experience. If you built your website using WordPress then you can install the bbPress plugin and instantly create a forum on your website. The settings allow you to make it a private forum and there are add-on’s that allow you to manage paid subscriptions.
To justify charging a price to access your website forum you need to provide something of incredible value. You need a very strong USP (unique selling point) to justify making it a member’s only forum. Premium content, special offers and having well known industry influencers as members provide incentive for your visitors to sign up.
This provides you with a great opportunity to generate steady residual income, but you need to price you forum access in a way that it will encourage a large user base. Charging a high monthly fee will only attract a small pool of users and the forum will be inactive, causing your users to fall off and cancel their subscriptions. Keep it affordable so a large percentage of your user base will sign up. Even a $3 – $5 monthly fee can translate into a good return if you have a massive group of participants.
With several monetization options, it is a good idea to try several and then stick with the ones that earn you the most money per visitor. With all of the analytical and conversion data available you will be able to determine exactly how much each visitor is worth. Some of the most profitable websites have multiple income streams, so don’t be afraid to test several to determine what results in the biggest return for your site.