Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Ludwig van Beethoven

The Red Color


The Color Purple

Blue-purple, Purple, Red-purple


Sunday, June 28, 2015

King Farouk of Egypt 1941

الملك فاروق في زيارة لمنجم السكري عام 1941 ..
تم اكتشاف منجم السكري عام 1908، و أصدر الملك فاروق قراراً فى عام 1948 بغلقه و الإحتفاظ به للأجيال المقبلة باعتباره حقاً لها ، و جدير بالذكر أنه عندما صدر قرار الغلق وقتها كان بالمنجم 6 آلاف طن من الذهب ..



German animal names

Duck - Ente
Goose - Gans
Swan - Schwan
Ostrich - Strauß (which can also mean bouquet - just as the Ostrich spreads his Wings)

Long German Name


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Names of Males, Females, Babies, and Groups of Animals

Animal Pages to Color OnlineEnchantedLearning.com
Names of Males, Females, Babies, and Groups of Animals
What are the Males, Females, Babies, and Groups of Animals Called?
Animal Printouts
Label Me! Printouts

Click on a picture or an underlined word to go to an animal printout. Or go to a page on collective nouns.
AnimalMaleFemaleBabyGroup of Animals
Alligatorbullcowhatchlingcongregation, pod (of young)
AnimalMaleFemaleBabyGroup of Animals
Baboonmalefemaleinfanttroop, congress
Badgerboarsowkit, cubcete
Bearboarsowcubsleuth, sloth
Beaver--pup, kittencolony
AnimalMaleFemaleBabyGroup of Animals
Beedronequeen, workerlarvahive, swarm (in flight), bike, drift, grist
Western MeadowlarkBirdcockhenhatchling, chickdissimulation (small birds only), fleet, flight, flock, parcel, pod, volery
Bison, Buffalobullcowcalfgang, herd, obstinacy
Boarboarsowpiglet, shoat, farrowsingular, sounder
AnimalMaleFemaleBabyGroup of Animals
Butterflymalefemalecaterpillar, larva, pupa, chrysalisswarm, rabble (group of caterpillars is an army)
Cattomcatqueenkittenclutter, clowder, litter (young born to one female), kindle (kittens)
Cattlebullcowcalf, dogie (a motherless calf)drift, drove, herd, mob
AnimalMaleFemaleBabyGroup of Animals
Chickenroosterhenchick, pullet (young hen), cockrell (young rooster)flock, brood (of hens), clutch (of chicks), peep (of chicks)
AnimalMaleFemaleBabyGroup of Animals
-Codfish--codling, hake, sprag, spratschool
Coyotedogbitchpup, whelppack, rout
Crane--chickherd, sedge, siege
Crowcockhenchickmurder, muster
AnimalMaleFemaleBabyGroup of Animals
white-tailed deerDeerbuck, stagdoefawnherd, mob
TechnosaurusDinosaurbullcowhatchling, juvenileherd (of plant-eaters), pack (of meat-eaters)
beagleDogdogbitchpuplitter (pups from one mother), pack (wild), kennel
dolphinDolphinbullcowpup, calfherd, pod, school
AnimalMaleFemaleBabyGroup of Animals
dohkeyDonkeyjack, jackassjennet, jennycolt, foaldrove, herd
doveDovecockhensquab, chickdole, flight, piteousness
duckDuckdrakeduckducklingbadelynge, brace, bunch, flock, paddling, raft, team
eagleEagle--fledgling, eagletaerie, convocation
AnimalMaleFemaleBabyGroup of Animals
eelEel--leptocephalus (larva), elver (juvenile)swarm
Elephantbullcowcalfherd, parade
-Elkbullcowcalfherd, gang
Emuchick, hatchlingmob
Falcontercel, terzelfalconchickcast
Ferrethobjillkitbusiness, fesynes
AnimalMaleFemaleBabyGroup of Animals
Fish--fry, fingerlingdraft, run, school, shoal
Flamingo--chickcolony, flamboyance, flurry, stand, regiment
Fly--maggotcloud, swarm
Foxreynard, dog, dog fox, or todvixenkit, cub, pupskulk, leash
AnimalMaleFemaleBabyGroup of Animals
Frog--tadpole, polliwog, froglet
army, knot
Giraffebulldoecalfherd, corps, tower, group
Gnatmalefemalelarvacloud, horde
AnimalMaleFemaleBabyGroup of Animals
Goatbuck, billydoe, nannykid, billyherd, tribe, trip
Goosegandergoosegoslingflock, gaggle, skein (only while in flight), wedge (flying in a "V" formation)
AnimalMaleFemaleBabyGroup of Animals
Guinea pigboarsowpupgroup
Harebuckdoeleveretdown, husk, warren
AnimalMaleFemaleBabyGroup of Animals
Hawktiercelheneyasaerie, cast, kettle
Hedgehogboarsowpiglet, puparray
Heroncockhenchicksedge, siege
Hippopotamusbullcowcalfherd, bloat
AnimalMaleFemaleBabyGroup of Animals
Hogboarsowshoat, farrowdrove, herd, litter (a group of young born to one mother)
Horsestallion, studmare, damfoal, colt (male), filly (female)stable, harras, herd, team (working horses), string or field (race horses)
Hounddogbitchpupcry, mute, pack
AnimalMaleFemaleBabyGroup of Animals
Humanmanwomanbaby, infant, toddlerclan (related), crowd, family (closely related), community, gang, mob, tribe, etc.
Hyenamalefemalecubclan, cackle
Jaycockhenchickband, party
AnimalMaleFemaleBabyGroup of Animals
Jellyfish--ephynasmackm bloom, swarm
Kangaroobuck, boomer, jackdoe, flyer, jill, roojoeytroop, herd, mob
Leopardleopardleopardesscubleap, prowl (some say it should be a spot of leopards)
AnimalMaleFemaleBabyGroup of Animals
-Locust---host, swarm
Louse (plural lice)malefemalenymphcolony, infestation, lice
-Magpiecockhenchicktiding, tribe, charm, gulp, flock, murder
Mallarddrakeduckducklingflush, sord
AnimalMaleFemaleBabyGroup of Animals
Monkeymalefemaleinfanttroop, cartload
Mosquitomalefemalelnymph, wriggler, tumblerswarm
Mousebuckdoepup, pinkie, kittenhorde, mischief
-Mulejohnmollyfoalbarren, pack, span
AnimalMaleFemaleBabyGroup of Animals
Ottermalefemalewhelp, pupfamily, raft, romp
AnimalMaleFemaleBabyGroup of Animals
Owl--owlet, fledglingparliament
Oxsteer, bullcowstot, calfdrove, herd, yoke
AnimalMaleFemaleBabyGroup of Animals
Parrotcockhenchickcompany, flock
Peafowlpeacockpeahenpeachickmuster, ostentation
-Pheasantcockhenchickbrood (a family), nye (a large group)
AnimalMaleFemaleBabyGroup of Animals
Pigboarsowpiglet, shoat, farrowdrove, herd, litter (of pups), sounder
Pigeoncockhensquab, squeakerflock, kit
Porpoisebullcowcalfherd, pod, school
AnimalMaleFemaleBabyGroup of Animals
Prairie dogboarsowpupcoterie, town
Quailcockhenchickbevy, covey, drift
Rabbitbuckdoekitten, bunny, kitcolony, drove, leash, nest, trace, warren
AnimalMaleFemaleBabyGroup of Animals
Raccoonboarsowcubnursery, gaze
Ratbuckdoepup, pinkie, kittenhorde, mischief
Raven---congress, unkindness
AnimalMaleFemaleBabyGroup of Animals
Sand Dollarmalefemalelarva, pluteus (free-swimming stage), juvenile (young urchin)-
Sealbullcowpupherd, pod, rookery, harem
Seastarmalefemalelarva, pluteus (free-swimming stage), juvenile (young urchin)-
Sea Urchinmalefemalelarva, pluteus (free-swimming stage), juvenile (young urchin)-
Sharkbullfemalepupschool, shiver
Sheepbuck, ramewe, damlamb, lambkin, cossetdrift, drove, flock,herd, mob, trip
AnimalMaleFemaleBabyGroup of Animals
SnakemalefemaleSnakelet, neonate (a newly-born snake), hatchling (a newly-hatched snake)bed, nest, pit
Squidmalefemalehatchling, paralarva, larvashoal, squad
Squirrelbuckdoepup, kit, kittendray
Swancobpencygnet, flapperbevy, game, herd, team, wedge (flying in a "V" formation)
AnimalMaleFemaleBabyGroup of Animals
-Termitemalefemalelarvaswarm (while flying), colony
Tigertigertigresscub, whelpambush, streak
Turkeytom or gobbler (adult male),
jake (juvenile male)
AnimalMaleFemaleBabyGroup of Animals
WalrusWalrusbullcowcub, pupherd, pod
Waspdronequeen (reproducing female), worker (non-reproducing female)larvacolony
AnimalMaleFemaleBabyGroup of Animals
WeaselWeaseldog, buck, Jack, hobbitch, doe, Jillkitgang
Whalebullcowcalfgam, grind, herd, pod, school
Wolfdogbitchpup, whelppack, rout
AnimalMaleFemaleBabyGroup of Animals
-Wrencockjennychickflock, herd
Yellow Jacketdronequeen (egg-laying female), worker (non-reproducing female)larvacolony
Zebrastallionmarecolt, foalherd, crossing
AnimalMaleFemaleBabyGroup of Animals
