Sunday, November 10, 2013

Seven Types of Women HARD DISK lady

Technically there are 7 TYPES OF LADIES:

1. HARD DISK lady: Remembers everything forever.

2. RAM lady: Forgets about you the moment you turn off.

3. SCREENSAVER lady: Just for looking.

4. INTERNET lady: Difficult to access.

5. SERVER lady: Always busy when needed

6. MULTIMEDIA lady: Looks beautiful but you can only look.

7. VIRUS lady: This type of lady is normally called 'WIFE', once enters your system, never leaves even if the system is formatted."

Men and women are different in a lot of ways and dating is one. When a man dates he is often looking for that soul mate or special someone to spend the rest of his life with. Of course there are also a lot of men and women that are just looking for a one night stand or a social partner. But we are talking about the ones that are looking for a potential partner.
Just as there are different men there are different women. When a man is dating women for the purpose of marriage there are some types of women he might not want to get involved with. These women may satisfy him for a while but he will soon learn he has made a mistake. Learn what to watch for and how to weed out the women that will never fill your desires.

1. The overly feminist woman will be the one that talks about men like they have no common sense and believes that a man is incompetent or lazy. This type of woman may talk down to you and chip away at your self esteem, causing you to be referred to as hen pecked. She will be hard if not impossible to please and it will seem that everything you do is not good enough.

2. The material girl has her own agenda and that is what is in it for her. Also known as high maintenance girls they expect the best dates, gifts and everything else. She feels the man is responsible to pay for everything and she has no obligation to reciprocate or feel guilty about it. These women are great manipulators and know how to get exactly what they want.

3. The hopeless romantic lives in a world that is like a romantic novel. She dreams of a knight in shining armor rescuing her and living happily ever after. Usually she has lived a pampered life and will expect to be a stay at home mom taking care of the kids and housekeeping. She might be considered old fashioned thinking the man should be the breadwinner and financial expert.

4. The angry girl usually carries a lot of baggage from previous relationships. She has been disappointed and hurt by men in her past and isn't over it. She will most likely be suspicious, unable to trust you and difficult to please.

5. The insecure woman may hide her feelings well until she gets to know you a little better. If the relationship continues you might find that she calls you all the time, needs to know where you are every minute and has to have constant reassurance about your feelings for her.

6. The mysterious woman is a romantic and has the ability to maintain a healthy relationship, but she avoids them. She has probably been hurt in past relationships and protects herself by keeping a distance from potential partners. She should be a fun date and enjoys flirting and having fun but will only be interested in friendship.

7. The desperate woman is anxious to be married. It might not even matter what kind of man it is and love doesn't have anything to do with it. She must get married.
Most women are a combination of these types and none of them should keep you from being open minded and getting to know someone. Understanding how people behave helps us understand and appreciate the differences between us. Men can be counted right along with the women when we talk about behavior and expectations. Our dating success comes from knowing what we are looking for in a partner and how to recognize it quickly.
Belinda Nelson is a free lance copywriter who enjoys writing on a variety of subjects. Each article is carefully researched and put together for the benefit of the reader. You are invited to find out more and leave your own comment about her findings on the subject of

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